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What are plasma/ thermal spray tapes?

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Thermal spray or plasma spray is the application of a thin coat of metal or ceramic to a surface at high pressure and extreme temperatures. Precise tape masking creates a temporary barrier to prevent the application of thermal spray coating to a specific area while removing cleanly and easily without leaving adhesive residue.

Why use them?
These performance coatings are used to enhance the precision metal parts in terms of wear, corrosion and/ or temperature resistance. They’re used widely in the marine, aerospace, automotive, energy and healthcare sector. These tapes have excellent strength and flexibility which allows for easy wrapping of complex shapes.

We supply plasma thermal spray tape and double and triple layered tape which are approved by leading aerospace companies worldwide. We also have specialist constructions tailored to specific needs using foil tape and glass cloth tape for extreme temperature such a HVOF (high velocity oxygen fuel).

Many of our thermal spray tapes are approved by Pratt & Whitney, Rolls Royce and GE.

Get in touch for a quote or more information 01698 748 290b2ap3_thumbnail_Plasma-Insta-pic.jpg